Chemnitzer StudentenNetz

Chemnitzer StudentenNetz (CSN) is an initiative from students for students to connect their personal computers in the dormitories to the campus network of Chemnitz University of Technology.

Welcome to CSN

New in the dorm?

If you already have your account at the university computer centre and a tenancy agreement with the Studentenwerk, you can register directly for internet access in CSN.

Register now!

Visit us!

You want to get to know us or ask a question? Then come to our office!

We meet every Tuesday at 7:30 pm in Vettersstraße 72 in room 034.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Help needed?

You have a problem and can't get anywhere?

First assistance and answers to frequently asked questions can be found in our Wiki.

To the Wiki!

If the Wiki cannot help you or you need personal support, you can get in touch with our contact persons.

Our contact persons.

News from the CSN Blog